Tagged: antifascism



Editorial site NIHILIST are anarchists and anti-authoritarian radical left.
We allow ourselves to call a spade a spade directly honestly and sincerely. We are not afraid to seem «unconstructive», because we understand that «constructiveness» is a so-called «fair play».
We are not afraid to offend someone’s feelings and aesthetic tastes, because these feelings and tastes are formed by the system we are fighting against.


Far-right Militants Did Not Allow to Honor Annual Death Day of Putin Regime Victims

Anarchist January 19 committee canceled carrying of anti-fascist event in Kyiv. Taking into consideration the tangible advantage of far-right militants, which in groups were located near the place of a rally, and taking care for event participants’ safety, the accountables for the event coordinated a retreat. All participants and visitors safely left for homes. On the same day in Kyiv there were attempts to carry another anti-fascist event, which ended up with confrontation with a numerous group of far-right militants, including the ones who related to so-called Civilian Corps of Azov regiment.