Freedom for Belarus


Freedom for Belarus

According to all the signs, Lukashenko lost the presidential elections, but he has 80% in the official data – the product of cynical massive falsifications.


Place for politics

We affirm that schools and universities, museums and galleries, offices and factories, restaurants and stadiums, streets and squares are all «places for politics». Not for the official stuff, not for the authorities and the opposition travesty, but for real politics. It can only be emancipatory and revolutionary in the conditions of total domination.



Editorial site NIHILIST are anarchists and anti-authoritarian radical left.
We allow ourselves to call a spade a spade directly honestly and sincerely. We are not afraid to seem «unconstructive», because we understand that «constructiveness» is a so-called «fair play».
We are not afraid to offend someone’s feelings and aesthetic tastes, because these feelings and tastes are formed by the system we are fighting against.